UK 505 National Championships at Tynemouth SC

The opening day of the 505 UK Nationals on 1 st June saw 21 boats ready for the 12-18mph north
easterly wind and big swell with a long fetch from Norway! Nathan Batchelor & Sam Pascoe started
as they meant to go on with an emphatic 1,1,1 scoreline. Howie Hamlin & Jeff Nelson, from
California and launching their new boat that day (built ½ mile away at Ovington Boats) got a 2,2,5 –
not too put off by the cool north sea conditions. Other things of note were Ian Pinnell & Alex Davies
getting their first DSQ for hitting the gate boat! Great to see visiting boats from Ireland, France as
well as the USA.

The second day was lighter winds but still a large swell. Similar results at the top – Batchelor/ Pascoe
1,1,1, and Hamlin/ Nelson a 2,2,4. David Ellis & Jim Hunt were starting to find their rhythm with a
3,3,2 – great to see these guys in the fleet – always sailing smart and popping up in the right places.
Pinnell & Davies had their 2nd DSQ for hitting the gate boat! Dolphins were seen off the starboard
end of the gate start to add to the excitement.

Day 3 was tricky for competitors and the race team alike. Light, shift winds from the east with
leftover swell and comparatively strong tide made it a head scratcher for all involved.

Day 4 was a different day, racing in the North Bay off Longsands. A light- medium northerly and the
flattest water of the week gave a different view. The first race was a reply of many other with
Batchelor/ Pascoe first, followed in by Hamlin/ Nelson. Mike Sims & Carl Gibbon sailed a solid series,
counting nothing worse than a 6 th – time on the water paying off.

Overall, Nathan & Sam won comprehensively, winning 8 out of the 10 races they sailed, but the
racing was close throughout the fleet. Very pleasing to see a good number of Scottish boats racing
with this evening being the furthest north it’s been in over 15 years. It’s the first time the 505s have
visited Tynemouth, and the club put on a great regatta both on & off the water.

Sailing photos thanks to Andrew Nel

1 st Nathan Batchelor & Sam Pascoe, Tynemouth SC. 11 points
2 nd Howie Hamlin & Jeff Nelson, ABYC. 23 points
3 rd David Ellis & Jim Hunt, South Staffs/ Lymington Town SC. 33 points
4 th Michael Simms & Carl Gibbon, Burton SC. 34 points
5 th Ian Pinnell & Alex Davies, Northampton SC. 42 points
1 st Scottish boat overall – Euan Hurter & Laurence Milton, Dalgety Bay SC

Full results »

UK 505 National Championships at Tynemouth SC

The opening day of the 505 UK Nationals on 1 st June saw 21 boats ready for the 12-18mph north
easterly wind and big swell with a long fetch from Norway! Nathan Batchelor & Sam Pascoe started
as they meant to go on with an emphatic 1,1,1 scoreline. Howie Hamlin & Jeff Nelson, from
California and launching their new boat that day (built ½ mile away at Ovington Boats) got a 2,2,5 –
not too put off by the cool north sea conditions. Other things of note were Ian Pinnell & Alex Davies
getting their first DSQ for hitting the gate boat! Great to see visiting boats from Ireland, France as
well as the USA.

The second day was lighter winds but still a large swell. Similar results at the top – Batchelor/ Pascoe
1,1,1, and Hamlin/ Nelson a 2,2,4. David Ellis & Jim Hunt were starting to find their rhythm with a
3,3,2 – great to see these guys in the fleet – always sailing smart and popping up in the right places.
Pinnell & Davies had their 2nd DSQ for hitting the gate boat! Dolphins were seen off the starboard
end of the gate start to add to the excitement.

Day 3 was tricky for competitors and the race team alike. Light, shift winds from the east with
leftover swell and comparatively strong tide made it a head scratcher for all involved.

Day 4 was a different day, racing in the North Bay off Longsands. A light- medium northerly and the
flattest water of the week gave a different view. The first race was a reply of many other with
Batchelor/ Pascoe first, followed in by Hamlin/ Nelson. Mike Sims & Carl Gibbon sailed a solid series,
counting nothing worse than a 6 th – time on the water paying off.

Overall, Nathan & Sam won comprehensively, winning 8 out of the 10 races they sailed, but the
racing was close throughout the fleet. Very pleasing to see a good number of Scottish boats racing
with this evening being the furthest north it’s been in over 15 years. It’s the first time the 505s have
visited Tynemouth, and the club put on a great regatta both on & off the water.

Sailing photos thanks to Andrew Nel

1 st Nathan Batchelor & Sam Pascoe, Tynemouth SC. 11 points
2 nd Howie Hamlin & Jeff Nelson, ABYC. 23 points
3 rd David Ellis & Jim Hunt, South Staffs/ Lymington Town SC. 33 points
4 th Michael Simms & Carl Gibbon, Burton SC. 34 points
5 th Ian Pinnell & Alex Davies, Northampton SC. 42 points
1 st Scottish boat overall – Euan Hurter & Laurence Milton, Dalgety Bay SC

Full results »