The 5O5s return to the stunning Dorset coast and to the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy in July for the UK National and European Championships in what promises to be two more highly anticipated events for the class.
Having successfully staged the 2016 World Championships at the 2012 Olympic venue, the UK 5O5 Class have elected to return to host this year’s National and European Championships, with the venue providing top notch sailing, a large variety of conditions, excellent race management and best in class facilities.
With the 2020 World Championships, which were due to be hosted in Sweden last summer, cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic the teams will be itching to get out there and test themselves against some of the best sailing competition outside of the Olympic classes once again.

As a result of the ongoing pandemic and the likelihood at this stage that our friends from around the world will not be able to join us without some form of quarantine, the UK 5O5 Class committee has made the difficult decision to change the format of the forthcoming 5O5 UK Open and European Championships.
The event will now be held as a 4 day open event incorporating the UK 5O5 Nationals and will take place over the original dates of the Europeans, that being Saturday 17th July to Tuesday 20th July inclusive. In keeping the 4 days ‘open’ we still do have the option to hold a Europeans should teams wish to travel and the border situation changes allowing our friends from Continental Europe and around the world a ‘last minute’ chance to join us, which we very hope for.
We encourage all UK boats to get their entries in as soon as possible to aid essential planning and event feasibility, thank you to all of those who already have entered. The event will be going ahead at the WPNSA and promises to be a fantastic 4 days of racing. The entry fee for the modified event will be £190 until midnight of the 27th of June after which it will rise to £240. Those already entered will receive a partial refund to reflect the new charges.
We are very much looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in July!